Our clients are the most important people to us!
We greatly value our clients and work hard in order to offer solutions with a high quality level. We take pride in the long lasting relationship we formed with so many of our clients through the years, and it doesn't matter if we've known each other for decades or if we are meeting for the first time, our clients are treated with respect and honesty.
It is impossible for a single company to solve all of the complex challenges of the industries. For that reason, we at SIQ believe that partnerships are fundamental in order for us to get stronger with each passing day. We look for partners that aim to offer innovative solutions with a focus on quality, continuous improvement of processes and reduction of costs and waste.
AMBIDATA® is a Portuguese technological company, that develops and supplies innovative global Digital Solutions and consulting for Laboratories of analyses, acting in the organization and integration of all the digital information present in a lab through the Lab-Way LIMS tool. The main objective of Lab-Way LIMS is to foster improvement in the existing processes and increase productivity, eliminating papers and promoting organizational efficiency, as well as to support the accreditation of laboratories, by the standards ISO/IEC 17025:2017, ISO 15189:2012 and ISO 9001:2015, guaranteeing the compliance of technical and management requirements. SIQ Systems acts as an authorized representative in the disclosure and implementation of these solutions in the Brazilian market in laboratories of various segments, such as: Services, Energy, Clinical, Inspection, Forensics, Environment, Pharmaceutics, Construction and Industry.
OMNI MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS AND IHM’S - a company specialized in the implementation of Cognex’s Machine Vision Systems. These solutions aim to automate inspections through Intelligent Cameras and Code Readers capable of covering 100% of inspected items. In turn, SIQ acts in the integration of data collected by the Machine Vision Systems with the company's other management systems, maximizing results and promoting complete use of the information for analysis, actions of continuous improvement and elimination of nonconformities. Such expertise earned us the Certified System Integrator seal from Cognex Corporation, world leader in equipments for mechanical Machine Vision Systems.
Process Development Corporation is a company of worldwide presence that stands out in development and implementation of technical solutions, operating in the most diverse market sectors. PDC has a commitment to provide services with the highest quality and productivity by bringing solutions in the face of the great industrial evolutions and intelligent production systems. The SIQ & PDC partnership guarantees that all customers are fully included in the process of development, control and tracking of tooling, delivering reliability in every stage of the project. This close partnership produces the best solution in the market, reducing costs and accelerating results.
Octua helps companies exploit data and technologies to transform businesses and improve people's lives. He works in the areas of Data Science, Digital Transformation, Technological Optimization and Change Management. In Data Science, it helps to create intelligence through data exploration, through technologies such as AI, Machine Learning and Analytics, among others. In Digital Transformation, it enables the restructuring of business and operations. Technology Optimization involves the inventory of capabilities that already exist and their opportunities for better and greater use. Change Management can signal barriers and critical items to propose solutions that improve the environment, with more inclusion and more interaction. Octua is a partner of SIQ in our Innovation, Big Data and Industry 4.0 projects.